Notes - Pages 29-47

def of finite automaton
5-tuple... set of states, alphabet, transition function, starting state, set of accepting states... the transition function is the catesian product of the set of states and the alphabet mapping back to the set of states. EVERY state must have one transition per symbol in alphabet. A FA accepts multiple strings but will only recognize one language L(M) = A
def of regular language
langauge that is recognized by a finite automaton. Three operations on regular languages, concatenation, union, and A* <need some clarafication on this one, but looks to be any combination of strings>... in addition these three operations on languages are 'closed under' meaning they result in a regular langauge and thus a cooresponding finite automaton

This section of chapter 1 formalizes the definition of finite automatons, gives some basic terminology on regular languages and operations on them with proofs of properties of those operations. It contains a process to design finite automaton that it calls "reader as automaton" where you have a finite memory but a possible inifinte input and need to determin the 5-tuple def of a FA by obersving the states and the transitions as you go from various inputs.