Notes - Pages 30-101

snow ball sampling
In the limit of a large number of waves, snowball sampling samples actors non-uniformly with probability proportional to their “eigenvector centrality” (see Section 7.1.2).
snow ball sampling
The advantage of the random-walk sampling method is that, as shown in Section 6.14.3, the asymptotic sampling probability of nodes in a random walk is simply proportional to node degree (see Eq. (6.44)). What’s more, the asymptotic regime in such studies is, unlike snowball sampling, reached quite quickly for relatively small sample sizes....randomly walk an edge, DFS style

Chapter 3,4,5 are surveys of the different types of networks with in the broad categories in Ch1. Most of it is probably safe to skip, the biology network chapter gives some notation for inhibitory edges vs excitory nodes, the social networks talks about affilliations and how most of these can be represented by bipartite graphs. Biology can require tripartite. Technological networks and information networks are similar.